
Archive for September, 2014

#Blinded so U can #see – #Cegado para q puedas #ver

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 17, 2014 – 8:38 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Muchos luchan contra #Jesus, pero ninguno ha ganado. Tu vida cambiara cuando te rindes a El. #Dios te bendiga. UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Many fight against #Jesus but no one has ever succeeded. Ur life will change when U surrender 2 Him. #God Bless U!

God’s #plan always prevail – Los #planes de #Dios siempre prevalecen

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 15, 2014 – 8:52 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Cuando #Dios tiene 1 plan preparado no importa lo q el hombre haga, Dios siempre prevalece y nada detiene su voluntad UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee When #God has a plan prepared, it doesn’t matter what men do,God always prevails and nothing stop His will. #GoodDay!

A need 4 A #Revelation – Necesidad de una #revelacion

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 12, 2014 – 8:23 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Se necesita de una #revelacion en la mente de muchos #creyentes, no se trata de lo q piensan, sino del mover de #Dios UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee There’s a need 4 a #revelation in the mind of many #believers, it’s not about what they think, but about #God’s doing

Why R U doubting how #God moves? – Por que dudas de la manera en que #Dios se mueve?

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 11, 2014 – 8:11 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Mucha gente de #Dios duda de lo q esta escrito en Hch.8:14-15, recibiendo ambos, #LaPalabra y el #EspirituSanto! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Many people of God R struggling with what is written in Acts 8:14-15, receiving both, the #Word & the #HolySpirit!

What happen people of #God? Q sucede gente de #Dios?

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 10, 2014 – 8:00 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #Creyentes, permitan q #Dios se mueva en medio nuestro, las cosas no deberian ser diferentes a Hch.8:7-8. Que sucede? UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #Believers, let #God move in ur midst, things should not B different from Acts 8:7-8. Why is it different today?

#Active #believers – #Creyentes #activos

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 9, 2014 – 7:49 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee La gente sedienta de conocer de #Dios, deberia ver con sus propios ojos, señales y milagros en los creyentes UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee People eager to know about #God, should also witness from #believers, #miraculous #signs with their eyes.

#Seizing the #opportunity – Sacando ventaja del momento

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 8, 2014 – 8:13 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Muchas veces el enemigo viene contra ti con su plan pero #Dios lo revierte y lo usa para SuProposito! Se #bendecido! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Many times when the enemy comes with a plan against U, #God turns it around 4 His purpose! Be #blessed 2day!

Changed by #God – Cambiado por #Dios

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 5, 2014 – 11:16 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Conocemos un hombre q persiguio a la iglesia y luego se volvio un instrumento de #Dios, pero sufrio x eso. #BuenDia! UnCafecitoParaElAlma 1eCoffee We know of a man that persecuted the church and then, became an instrument of #God, but he suffered 4 it. #GoodDay!

#Praying 4 the #persecuted – #Orando x los #perseguidos

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 4, 2014 – 8:30 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Al perseguir a los #creyentes sacandolos de sus pueblos y los matan, la justica de #Dios se manifestara en su tiempo UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee When #believers are killed and persecuted making them leave their regions, #God will manifest his justice in His time

No match 4 the #HolySpirit – Nadie como el #EspirituSanto

Icon Written by La Roca Community on September 3, 2014 – 8:54 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Puedes discutir con alguien lleno del #EspirituSanto, pero no le llegas a tal poder, sabiduria y audacia que recibe UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee U can argue against someone filled with the #Spirit of #God, but there’s no match for such power, wisdom & boldness