
Archive for November, 2014

Assurance when persecuted as a Christian – Seguridad cuando te persiguen como cristiano

Icon Written by La Roca Community on November 5, 2014 – 8:49 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Al perseguir a cristianos pueden matar el cuerpo y no el alma. Teme al q puede destruir alma y cuerpo en el infierno. UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee If Christians R persecuted, they can kill the body but not the soul. Fear Him who’s able 2 destroy soul&body in hell.

When #God #speaks – Cuando #Dios #habla

Icon Written by La Roca Community on November 4, 2014 – 6:37 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #Dios habla a traves de sus profetas, los #discipulos obedecen segun la palabra revelada y se preparan a lo q viene! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee #God speaks through His prophets, the #disciples obey according 2 the word revealed, they R prepared 4 times of need!

Don’t doubt who U R – No dudes de quien eres

Icon Written by La Roca Community on November 3, 2014 – 8:43 am

UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Piensa por 1 minuto, si dices ser cristiano, no deberias tener mas sobrenombres! Asi q, que eres realmente? #BuenDia! UnCafecitoParaElAlma @1eCoffee Think about it 4 a minute, If U say U R a Christian, U should have no more nicknames! So, what really R U? #GoodDay!